The Garden

The garden grew in circle with light, air and rainfall,  Bestowed in plenty for all,  The plants,  Soaring, supple, stubby and sturdy, To grow lively in space, lush with freedom, But the sly creeper crept upon the generous tree, And stunted its growth...

A Break

He sat on the lower rung of the stair case which spiraled up through different floors to the fifth one that happened to be the last floor of the building. An unusual feeling of heaviness overtook him on that day.  He could not sleep properly in the previous night. All...

Voice of the Dead

Do not pull me out of the womb of the grave, Its darkness embraces me with silence and respite, And shields me against the light of your world,                    That I have...

The Deserted Home

The dreary cobwebs block every entrance now, The portico cherishes in silence,  The memories of evening chats of those days, The cutlery in the kitchen, Pine for the lost touch of mother’s hands, The idle courtyard counts now, The numbers of hops and jumps, That...

Humanity Ravaged

Humanity ravaged of all her graces, And dumped in the dark, To tarnish history of exemplary amity,  To let  brutality seethe at the site, The site of peace for one and all, To burry under heaps of rubble, The blood stained shrieks of: Young, old and sick...