
My friends shout over their fences,

That the sky is bright and the wind is light,

That we should all go out to fly our kites,

But I say that the western sky gathers the menacing clouds,

And a squall, I sense will spoil the sport,

And let us halt and glide the moment on to the day,

When the sky spews out all its clouds of hatred and anger,

And of prejudice and terror,

We will then fly our kites high,

The words, in the azure and free sky,

Those will flail their wings in colours,  

Fast and chaste, 

And the nameless crowd from the ground,

Sullied  with no marks of gender and caste,

 And of religion and nation,

Will leap and bump and clap and cheer with faces upturned.

……..Dr. Fathema BegumĀ