The Lost Smile

It is the bud unfurled, With the glossy fingers of the subdued sun, It is the vista of glistening shoal, In blue water under the glorious sun,   It is the murmuring breeze, Rippling the bosom of the idyllic brook, It is the silvery beam when sparkles, The mind...

The Conundrum

The dogs have gone berserk hooting frost at the eerie moon, And nibbling the muslin of silent slumber, The cold sheen of the wintry night spreads its mantle over trees and grasses alike, The warm house puts on the shroud of desolation as death toll escalates, The...

The Trees, Our True Friends

 It is the play of sunshine and rain. Sometimes, it rains heavy and sometimes, it drizzles. Sometimes, the sun shines bright and sometimes, the ships of clouds sail past the glorious sun casting a pall of shade over the earth. That’s how the lockdown period is...

On the Occasion of Bihu, 2020

The spring advents with the ponderous steps, And its vista of green, blue and red, All but veiled under the web of silence and desertion, The downy breeze moans with the rustling memories, All leap out of the coffin of the departed year, And haunt the floors of the...

The Lost Days Will Revisit

The day breaks with the chirps of liberated birds, And the view of the yellow sun in the eastern sky, Raising its splendid head and mocking at the captured world, Time rolls with errands, numerous in hands, To keep one fit and busy indoors, But I miss the lost days...

Time To Be Healed Now

Time blushed with ignorance displayed, Time stupefied with foolishness revealed, Time turned insane with fanaticism, sundry, Time embarrassed with superstitions, numerous, Time boiled in the cauldron of hatred, Time lacerated with canes of prejudice, Time sliced and...