We are Women,

And we bear the legacy

Of love laden heart,

To love the world,

Its woods, its dales,

Its mountains, its sky,

Its animals and its humans,

Both young and old,

And fit and sick.

We are Women,

And we bear the legacy

Of strong nerve,

To fight from morn to eve,

To keep all warm

And happy at home,

To keep the office,

Ordered and up –to- date,

And to rise with ten hands,

To ward off thousand

Snakes of assailants when

They hiss at us.

We are women,

And we bear the legacy

Of shrewd mind,

That knows,

 How to light

 The dark night,

How to cool down

 The sweltering day,

And how to steer forth

 The life boat,

Across the storm lashed sea to  

The distant and placid harbour.        

We are women,

And we sing the song

Of phoenix,

That can rise and revive,  

From ashes and nothingness.

————- Dr. Fathema Begum