‘Past is past.’, the saying has lost all its lustre of originality through its repeated use. It no more startles or shocks the listeners or the readers with any novelty of expression in it.  People of different age groups often make different usages of it in different contexts and hence it has converted into a cliche without any doubt.  

            Some usages of the expression, ‘Past is past.’ can be cited as such. It is sometimes heard as being used by a child to retort to mother’s complain against his/her abortive school result. Hence, the child springs on his/her feet with the verbal sword of the expression, ‘Past is past, now leave me alone to decide my future course of studies.’ and saying that shoos away the mother.  A lover frustrated in love suddenly bursts out uttering, ‘Past is past.’ and shatters the cocoon of silence and isolation, built around so long, being unable to bear its stricture any more. The father with heavy spectacles on nose tip with newspaper unfolded in front and half finished cup of morning tea beside utters, ‘Past is past.’ to console the distraught son unable to bear the debacle in business. The couples are often seen to safeguard themselves with the expression, ’Past is past.’ when they mudsling each other due to their past deeds.

            Therefore, the expression, ‘Past is past.’ is though used in different contexts but is uttered with the aim  for self defence or to give or generate the courage to mend one’s broken fortune to keep the show of life go on. 

             Hence, keeping in view the above thoughts on the expression, ‘Past is past.’, it can be said that there is no denying the fact that the expression contains some power though it no more allures one with the touch of freshness in it, being a hackneyed expression that is used by all without any distinction made in its usages.

            But to feel its power, the real meaning of the expression should be perceived. To comprehend that, one should introspect to spot one’s mistake that is responsible for the untoward past that took place and that in turn has undercut their present with all the hassles. The  experience of the past should be a guiding force to keep one off the track of  follies and foibles committed so far that besmeared the past and to make one sensible enough to avoid  repetitions of those in future. Such a step undertaken will always save one’s present from being a messed one and life will consequently receive the showers of happiness. 

            Therefore, the above deliberations on the saying, ‘Past is past.’ may aid in making the decision whether to use the expression as a mere self defensive formula or to feel its regenerative power. One should be conscious in making the choice because the use of the expression as a sheer self defensive procedure, attempting to sweep under the carpet one’s all past weaknesses may induce frequent repetitions of the awkward past in future and that may put life to sail on a rickety board. But feeling the regenerative power of the expression may enable to clear the decks of one’s life of their shortcomings to keep the show of life go on hassle free.

            Hence, I would like to say finally that the decision is ours now whether to feel the regenerative power of the expression, ‘Past is past.’ or just to use the trite expression as a mere self defensive formula.  

————Dr. Fathema Begum