The Rain Hesitates

The trees fall and bleed  And curse the world. The vehicles whiz by,  And the dark smoke challenges the air, Throttles the ones caught in its snare. The slush by the drain lingers,  And grins and spits upon the passers-by. The sand and cement in open...


The mobile phone on the table shrieked at the top of its voice. The device was sat at the loudest mode of its ring tone so that when it rings she can hear it from the other end of her house. By the time the phone rang, she was in her bed and tried to drag her off from...

From the Ash Grows the Green

A big junkyard,  Of broken toys and cans, Amassed over the years, Weeds of hatred, envy and hubris, To be set on fire, The blaze hails fertility, And from the ash grows the green, The green of promise and creativity. ……..Dr. Fathema...

Winter’s Spread

The debilitated sunlight unfurls its sparse hair down the wall, And shakes down the drops of memory,       That burst open the uproar of the year, coiling to its end, The chortle, the scream, The groan and the moan, The blasted dreams, And the dreams splashed against...

All the Bustles are Hushed Up Now

From the wry peg, Suspends the hot water bag,  Upside down, Its cork drips water no more To draw the evocative lines upon the wall, The clock now sleeps continually, Discharged of its duty to wake up from time to time, And alarm for the medicines to be taken on...